We offer evidence-based bespoke nutrition coaching.

Our news

  • Snacks

    Often as active individuals we find 3 meals not quite hitting macronutrient/ calorific goals for the day. The purpose of today’s newsletter will be providing some snack ideas to help align with your goals and avoid reaching for something perhaps more processed a little too often. High Protein Snacks- When’s best to consume these? Post…


  • Melatonin

    Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It helps our body synchronise its circadian rhythm (the internal body clock) with the day-night cycle. Melatonin is released in response to darkness, or in the evening, to let our body know when to prepare for sleep. Regulation of sleep: The main…


  • Fibre

    The average person in the UK is  consuming approximately half to two thirds of the recommended intake for fibre. This can potentially lead to constipation, IBS and even heart disease and bowel cancer. So, let’s run through how much we should be eating and how to include these into our diet. Introduction into fibre: Fibre…


  • Iron

    Iron is a very important mineral for basic life function and is easily ingested via our diet. This said, an iron deficiency is quite common and symptoms include tiredness, lack of concentration, and finding yourself ill frequently. Functions of Iron: Iron has a plethora of functions within the body including oxygen transport, aiding immunity, and…


  • Electrolytes

    Being that it has been over 20 degrees this last week and I’m rooting for that to continue – I thought it seemed appropriate to inform you if perhaps you should be taking some electrolytes to supplement your training. What are they? Electrolytes is an umbrella term for minerals that carry a positive or negative…


  • Nitrate

    Beetroot Juice! You may have seen people around your gym shotting little bottles of purple juice- this is likely to be beetroot juice! Why take it? Beetroot contains high levels of something called inorganic nitrate, this is the precursor* of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been shown to increase blood flow via vasodilation (widening of…


  • Vitamin D

    Also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that people often neglect. In fact 1/5 of the UK and nearly 1/2 of the US are considered to be deficient. What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a steroid hormone produced from cholesterol, activated when your skin is exposed to the…


  • Calcium

    Calcium is well known for ‘healthy teeth and bones’, but what people aren’t always aware of is how essential calcium is for your muscles. Sliding filament Theory In order to contract our muscles, we go through a process called the sliding filament theory. This process surrounds 2 proteins called Actin and Myosin. Actin is almost…


  • Sleep

    Sleep is quite literally essential for everyone, but of course we all knew that. What perhaps you didn’t quite know was the extremes to which sleep can help or hinder our day, especially regarding exercise. Is 8 hours enough? Whilst we all strive for 8 hours of sleep as it’s typically known as the golden…


  • Hydration

    We’ve all been told how important water is for our health, but it’s easy to fall off the bandwagon. And as we are headed toward summer, it seems appropriate to perhaps, refresh, our knowledge. Some fun facts Stores vary based upon: Some Terminology. After all, this is a nutrition newsletter, you’re gonna need to learn…