Often as active individuals we find 3 meals not quite hitting macronutrient/ calorific goals for the day. The purpose of today’s newsletter will be providing some snack ideas to help align with your goals and avoid reaching for something perhaps more processed a little too often.
High Protein Snacks-
When’s best to consume these?
Post session is the perfect time for a high protein snack, these help aid the recovery of your muscles. We’re looking to eat 20-30g of protein post session. Rest day is also a perfect time to utilise extra protein consumption, helping your body to fully reap the rewards of resting. Whilst grabbing a shake is quick and easy, sometimes it’s nice to have something that is a little more .. food.
- 200g Greek honey & 30g of honey – this snack is perfect post training as it has 20g of protein from the yoghurt and 25g of carbs from the honey. Easy to prep, easy to eat. (Add a banana for extra carbs)
- Overnight oats- 50g oats, 30g protein powder, 125ml whole milk, 3 dates, 30g of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon. *Chefs kiss*. Whilst this one requires a little extra prep time it makes for the perfect quick snack post workout. Providing a delightful 81g of carbs, 35g of protein and 8g of fat.
- Hard boiled eggs- ideal for on-the-go snacks providing 6g of protein per egg. Got a little extra time? 3 fried eggs on a bagel will serve as a little more satiating.
High Carb Snacks-
When is best to consume these?
Pre or post session, we are looking at 50-75g or 30-50g for men and women respectively prior to a big training session (60 mins beforehand).
- A banana- an ideal pre workout snack if you’re short on time with 23g of carbs. If you’re at home, dunk it in some honey to add some extra carbs.
- A bagel and 30g honey- A whopping 70g of carbs & delicious. This, while convenient could sit quite heavy in your stomach so make sure you allow at least 60 mins to digest and potentially avoid if you’re going straight in with a workout
- Fruit Smoothie- bananas/berries/milk/yoghurt/optional protein powder make for a delicious high carb snack as well as providing lots of nutrients!
High Fat Snacks-
When is best to consume these?
With fat being a provider of energy used in lower state intensities, they are still crucial to consume prior to working out, best consumed in lower (10-20g) amounts 2-3 hours pre-session.
- Trail mix- 30g of trail mix can provide 11g of fat, 8g of carbs and 4g of protein.
- Almond butter on a bagel- 14g of fat and 45g of carbs.
- Veggie/Bread sticks with hummus- Providing around 10g of per 100g of hummus